Monday, 6 November 2017

Why to Seek NSIC Consultants in Mumbai?

The dearth of capital, scarcity of resources, outdated technology, overdue payments, high competition and problems in clearing-up loans are leaving the small-scale entrepreneurs at crossroads. It is the best time for entrepreneurs to reinvent their methodologies and utilize the available opportunities appropriately, to stay competitive in the arena of the Indian market.

Presently, our country is on the verge of a new economic revolution. Access to resources has become an easy affair with different governmental schemes. NSCI (National Small Industries Corporation) Ltd. has been working to provide support, aid and foster the growth of small industries in the country.
NSIC comes under the Ministry of MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in India, which was set up in 1955. The NSIC is an ISO 9001 certified company, since its establishment. It has been helping the small-scale sector through a range of schemes designed to set up and support their growth.
After passing of MSMED (the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development) Act, 2006, NSIC has also included medium-sized enterprises in its sphere to provide assistance under some of its schemes.
In India, the SSI accounts for almost 40% of the total industrial product as well as towards 35% of direct exports. NSIC has greatly added to the growth of SSI.
NSIC acts as a facilitator to endorse the products of small organizations and has developed a number of schemes to help small enterprises in their promotional efforts, both in and outside India. These schemes are:
1. Raw Material Distribution: NSIC has made arrangements with bulk manufacturers for procuring raw materials. These arrangements aim at providing raw materials and financial assistance, as per the needs of small enterprises.
2. Single Point Registration for Government Purchase: In this, the registered enterprises get purchase preference, exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit, etc.
3. Consortia and Tender Marketing: Micro, small & medium organizations that face problems in procuring and executing large orders get benefitted by NSIC. They form consortia of units manufacturing the same products and ease out marketing issues of small enterprises.
4. Export of Projects: NSIC is renowned in exporting projects of micro, small and medium enterprises to other countries.
5. Technology Fairs and Exhibitions: NSIC participates in many international and national exhibitions and trade fairs every year to showcase the competencies of Indian SSI and to explore market opportunities. NSIC helps small enterprises to participate by providing concessions in rentals, etc. It exposes small enterprises to international practices and boosts their business proficiency.
So, registering under NSIC will plunge you into the new pathways, which will provide you solutions that are smart and sustainable for your projects. Contact NSIC consultants in Mumbai to resolve the practical issues that are confronted by you in running your respective business. Grotal can help you find best NSIC consultants in Mumbai. Turn around the situation to your favor by registering under NSIC.