Thursday, 6 December 2018

IVF treatment in jalandhar: Now fullfill your dream of parenting

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) describes a technique to combining eggs and sperm are in a special laboratory to allow for the fertilization of eggs to develop embryo(s).  The procedure of IVF Treatment totally depends on Women age, type of problem, of the way of diagnosing, an embryo or embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus through her cervix. In IVF treatment, a woman takes injectable fertility medications for approximately 10 days, during which the growth of her eggs is closely monitored. When the eggs are ready to be collected (about 14 days later), the woman takes one final HCG injection that assists in the maturation of the eggs.
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Step 1: Ovulation induction
First, the doctor will monitor your ovaries leading up to and during the IVF treatment to ensure that you will release eggs to be fertilized at a particular time. Most of the time medication or hormones are used to stimulate the ovaries to Step 
2: Egg retrieval
Under light pain medication, your doctor will insert a very thin needle through the upper vaginal wall and remove fluid, which contains eggs, from the follicles of the ovaries.
Immediately after retrieval of the follicle(s), the egg is placed in a dish and transferred to an incubator.
Step 3: Fertilization
A sperm sample is secured, either from your partner or a donor and analyzed and added to the egg(s) retrieved. Sometimes your doctor may choose to inject the sperm directly into the egg to optimize success. The doctor and embryologist then monitor the fertilization process to make sure a healthy embryo is developed.
Step 4: Embryo transfer
Once your doctor and embryologist determine that the embryo(s) is ready for transfer you will go back for “transfer day”. This is a day full of excitement mixed with anxiety because while you’ve reached the final step of the IVF process, there are still many unknowns. The doctor will place a speculum into your vagina and transfer the embryo(s) through a small plastic tube placed through the cervix into the uterine cavity.
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Fast facts about in-vitro fertilization (IVF)
·     IVF is the best and easiest way with high success rates, to achieve pregnancy when other treatments have not worked.
·     There is a higher chance of multiple births with IVF.

·     The process includes fertilizing an egg outside the body in a special lab by combining men’s sperm and women’s egg and implanting it to continue the pregnancy.
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